In recent years, machine learning has sparked significant research interest, particularly in the realm of biological and medical imaging. Numerous deep learning-based methods and tools have been crafted to enhance the analysis and interpretation of biomedical images. As the scale and complexity of these images grow rapidly, the field is undergoing an intelligent evolution, presenting new challenges that await solutions. One of the primary challenges is developing deep learning techniques that fully leverage their ability to discern patterns and relationships within image data. This workshop will spotlight the latest advancements in machine learning techniques tailored for biological and medical imaging and their subsequent analysis. We aim to provide a collaborative platform for experts and scholars worldwide to exchange ideas and share progress. Join us in navigating the future of machine learning in biomedical imaging, as we tackle these challenges and push the boundaries of innovation.
This workshop is co-organized with the China Computer Federation (CCF) Technical Committee of Bioinformatics (TCBI) since 2020. As a multidisciplinary field blending information science and biology, bioinformatics leverages advanced technologies, such as computational algorithms, databases, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, to solve complex biological problems. With the arrival of the era of biological big data, the CCF TCBI was established to pool research talent in bioinformatics, elevate China's research capabilities and international influence, and promote academic exchange and collaboration. The committee also fosters close ties between academia and industry, explores innovative educational models in bioinformatics, and cultivates high-level talent with interdisciplinary backgrounds and innovative capacities. Through the efforts of CCF TCBI, China is making groundbreaking advancements at the intersection of computational and life sciences, contributing significantly to human health and life science development.